Wirral Vets's home page
Wirral Vets, Upton 0151 677 2411
Wirral Vets, Birkenhead - Temporarily Closed 0151 653 5223
Wirral Vets, Seaview 0151 638 2002

Opening Hour Changes - Upton

Please be advised that our opening hours are changing.

Here are our opening hours and emergency contact details:

Monday:  8am – 6.30pm

Tuesday:   8am – 6.30pm

Wednesday:  8am – 6.30pm

Thursday:  8am – 6.30pm

Friday:  8am – 6.30pm

Saturday:  9am – 1.30pm

Sunday:   Closed

Telephone:   0151 677 2411

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Kind regards,

All the team at Wirral Vets  

You are receiving this communication as a registered client of   Wirral Vets  .

In line with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) code of conduct, we are required to inform you of a change to our service provision.